
Keeping Fit and Feeling Fab During Pregnancy

In Fitness, Maternity chic, Supermoms on April 30, 2013 at 1:06 am
Hi I’m Amy from Absolute Amy.  I’m a wife and mum to a gorgeous 2 year old daughter with another baby on the way, living in sunny Perth, Western Australia.  I love coffee and cupcakes and I adore fashion and style.  I’m also passionate about health and well-being and today I’m talking about how to stay fit and feel fabulous during your pregnancy.  If you do have a baby on the way – congratulations! This is one of the most wonderful and beautiful times of your life and I hope this post helps you on your pregnancy journey.
 Absolute Amy 1
 With my daughter Ava – 16 weeks pregnant
 Absolute Amy 217 weeks pregnant
 Absolute Amy 3
 21 weeks pregnant with my daughter Ava

A health professional once told me that in an ideal world, you should be at your fittest when you fall pregnant as you are about to complete a baby growing marathon and after having my first child two years ago, I couldn’t agree more.

I’m not suggesting that in preparation to have a baby you should be spending hours in the gym or running 5 miles each day, but it is a good idea to be paying attention to your health and well-being in whatever form of exercise suits your lifestyle best – walking, yoga, Zumba, the gym, Pilates – some form of exercise is better than nothing!
For me, I’ve never been a massive fan of exercise, but in the middle of last year I discovered my kind of exercise – clinical Pilates. If you don’t know much about Pilates, it’s a controlled and precise form of exercise which involves a wide range of exercises and stretches, focusing on toning and sculpting your body while strengthening your core. It’s perfect for anyone who has an injury as clinical Pilates classes are run by an Exercise Physiologist who can ensure movements are being done correctly.
 Absolute Amy 4Squats on the TRX at Pilates
 Absolute Amy 5On the reformer at Pilates
 Absolute Amy 6
 17 weeks pregnant on the trapeze at Pilates
I also enjoy walking and getting fresh air.  We live close to some local stores, and if I need to run errands I’ll put my daughter in the pram and we’ll go for a walk together.  This way we both get out of the house, get some fresh air and I get some gentle exercise. It’s only takes me about 30 minutes, and it’ a fantastic way to stay fit while getting a few jobs done.
It’s also really important to eat eat fresh and healthy food while you’re pregnant, after all – you’re nourishing a tiny person growing inside you and giving them the very best possible start in life!  Like many pregnant women, my appetite has increased dramatically during my pregnancy, and my cravings are for sweet, sugary things like cakes and cookies.  I try to limit this as much as possible by doing the following;
  • If you don’t have it in the house, you can’t eat it! I intentionally don’t buy cookies and cakes because if they’re in the house, there’s a good chance I’ll eat them.  So leave them out of your shopping cart and fill it with fresh fruit, veggies, cereals, lean meats and low fat yogurt instead.
  • Fill up a fruit bowl at the beginning of each week and have it on your kitchen counter or on your work desk.  You’re more likely to snack on food if you can see it, so put any naughty food out of sight and reach for a piece of fruit instead.  Apples, pears, bananas and berries are the best fruit to eat as they are high in vitamins and fiber and not too high in sugar
  • Don’t skip breakfast! A lot of people make the mistake of not eating breakfast and as a result become so hungry by mid morning that they reach for the first thing they can get, which is often high in sugar.  Instead, opt for a low GI breakfast of porridge topped with blueberries or eggs on toast.
  • Don’t drink your calories! Cut out all sugary drinks and drink water or green tea instead. If you prefer flavored water, fill up a jug with water and add orange or lemon slices, or even some cucumber and mint.  If you like fizzy drinks, stock your fridge with sparkling water, it’s so refreshing and it’s good for you!
  • Carry snacks with you at all times. I get really hungry very quickly, so it’s best for me if I always have some snacks on hand. Bananas are a great option as they already have their very own packaging and I also carry muesli bars which are low in sugar, crackers and little packets of almonds with me.
  • Everything in moderation – including moderation! If you enjoy chocolate or cookies or ice cream, then allow yourself one small slice or a few squares or a small bowl each evening.  This way you have a special treat to look forward to every day and don’t feel like you’re missing out, but you avoid overindulging.
I recently had a healthy eating series on my blog Absolute Amy, you can take a look at healthy breakfastlunchdinner and snack ideas, just click on the links.
And finally, it’s so important to have time for YOU when you’re pregnant.  This can be tricky if you already have other children, but it’s really important for your mental health to have some time out.  Whether that’s going for a quick 10 minute walk around the block to breathe and think, running a big bubble bath (but only with warm water – a hot bath isn’t advisable for pregnant woman) or catching up with friends for coffee or dinner, make sure you take time out for you.
Good luck on your pregnancy journey lovely ladies.  Relax and enjoy this truly incredible time in your life.


Amy xxxx


You can follow Amy’s pregnancy journey on her blog Absolute Amy, say hi to her on Facebook or follow her on TwitterInstagram or Pinterest.
** DON’T FORGET to enter our Isabella Oliver Giveaway for a chance to win one of their most popular items, the Ruched Maternity T-shirt Dress!
  1. Very well said. You look amazing through your pregnancy journey. Its very uplifting for many that are also pregnant and feel blah at times. Good reminder to eat well, exercise and have some time out for one self.

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