
Archive for the ‘Dearest Daughter’ Category

Dearest Daughter (2 months old) …

In Dearest Daughter, Outfits on February 7, 2013 at 2:51 am


You are two months old, baby girl! Where does the time go!  On one hand it feels like you just got here, and on the other hand it feels like you’ve been here forever! You are such a sweet, tender, loving little thing. You have completely stolen our hearts.

Every morning I wake up with you next to me, cooing and smiling … it’s my favorite part of the day!! Just the two of us, while everyone else is still asleep. I love seeing your face light up when you recognize mine and OH THE SMILES! Melts my heart every time I see that little toothless smile of yours!

You are growing strong and healthy, weighting in at a whopping 13.8 lbs!! (OVER the 100th percentile!!). It’s no wonder you are already wearing 3 month clothing and even some 3-6 mo! Everyone at the doctor’s office sure got a good laugh! That’s right, mommy may be tiny but she sure knows how to make happy chubby babies!

Your sissy, Naomi, adores you! Asking for baby sister is the very first thing she does when she wakes up and you smile the biggest when you see her! She loves to help changing your diaper, and begs to be the one that burps you every time after each feeding. If it was left up to her, she would carry you around the house all day without any help from mommy. I love seeing you two bond. I cant imagine anything better than being your mom. I feel so incredibly blessed.

Happy two months sweet love!


Tu Mamita


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